Add authorized users or request supplementary cards

Add Authorized Users/Request Supplementary Cards

Request a supplementary card for authorized users at no charge and earn rewards even faster!

Request Supplementary Cards using the Rogers Bank app

  1. Download the Rogers Bank app for iOS or Android here:

    Download on the App StoreGet it on Google Play
  2. Sign in with your existing online banking credentials or register your Rogers Bank Mastercard® to the Rogers Bank app on your smartphone.
  3. Tap More at the bottom-right of your screen.
  4. Tap Manage Your Card.
  5. Tap Request Supplementary Cards.
  6. Tap Request a card.
  7. Fill in the required information about the person you’re adding, then tap Continue. You will receive a confirmation message upon completion.

Request Supplementary Cards online

  1. Sign in or register here.
  2. On the ‘My Account’ page, click I want to… and select Request supplementary cards from the drop-down menu.
  3. Read the notice, then click Add a Card.
  4. Fill in the required information about the person you’re adding, read the Terms and Conditions, then click Add. You will receive a confirmation message upon completion.

Other methods

You can add supplementary cards during the application process or by calling customer care at 1 855 775-2265. The primary cardholder remains liable for all charges to the account made by all authorized users.